Wimbledon 2013
Yippee, its here again - Wimbledon.
Starting Monday 24 June, two weeks of tennis at the world famous All England Club. Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world (and widely still considered the most prestigious). It has been held at the All England Club in Wimbledon, London since 1877. The tournament is one of the 4 Grand Slams (also called majors) on the tennis circuit - the others being the Australian Open, French Open, and the US Open.
Fittingly as the oldest tournament, Wimbledon is the only Grand Slam played on the original surface - grass (hence original name Lawn Tennis). Wimbledon, also steadfastly refuses to change its ruling for the wearing of predominately white sporting attire (although every year one or two players try to push the boundries - and yes, of course that has included the mighty Williams sisters). (More of them later).
While I will have everything crossed for him, lets not forget how much he has achieved - certain elements of the media have given both him and Tim Henman a hard time in the past. Both, with or without the Wimbledon crown have achieved great heights in their game. Tim had a world ranking of 4 in 2002, and Murray is currently number 2. Um, I think that is pretty good going.
Now on to the ladies. Reigning Champion Serena will open play on Centre Court on Tuesday 25. Will she make this her 6 Wimbledon Title? - I hope so. I love both the Williams sisters - both what they have achieved professionally and their style on the court. (purple shorts and headband 2012 - like the naughty school girl pushing the uniform boundries - go girl I say!).
Sadly this year, Serena's partner in crime and sister will not be at Wimbledon this year due to injury.
Between the 2 of them over the last 13 years they have taken 10 of the championship titles. Five apiece, so will Serena make it 6 this year.
As well as their court outfits, both love their jewellery bling. Serena, has regularly been seen wearing a tennis bracelet. This is a thin in-line bracelet with a symmetrical pattern of diamonds. Originally called an Eternity or In Line Bracelet, we have former Number 1 Tennis Player Chris Evert to thank for its current name. During the 1987 US Open Chris was wearing an Eternity Bracelet - during play the bracelet broke, and play was interrupted for the recovery of it. The incident sparked the new name for the bracelet and a surge in its popularity.
Those of us without the Number 1 tennis player budget, can buy equally stunning cubic zirconia Tennis Bracelets.
Tennis Bracelet £94.95 POINT 925
Heres to all things Wimbledon - including tennis, strawberry and cream, Pimms, rain, Cliff (sorry, couldn't resist adding cheesy Cliff), silly spectators hats (you would be mad if you had to sit behind them) and Tennis bracelets!
Enjoy the next 2 weeks.
Game, set, match and championship (we hope) to Andy.